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President Santokhi announces smooth Albina-Saint-Laurent Du Maroni crossing in 2024

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The relationship between Suriname and France has improved, President Chan Santokhi declared during the delivery of his yearly speech to the National Assembly. The fundamental goal of this is to develop the already-started foreign policy even further.

The border region is a critical socioeconomic and security sector for both Suriname and France, and there are now extensive debates there. The head of state highlighted, “We look forward patiently to the ratification of the agreement between our nation and France, which sets the boundaries of the Marowijne River from its mouth to the Lawa River.”

The crossing between Albina and Saint-Laurent Du Maroni will be further simplified in the quarter of 2024, once the jetty on our side is realized, the President said. Ultimately, the government also aims to establish a permanent river connection between the two countries. Discussions about this will be held with French authorities in 2024, and may be confirmed during the French president’s visit to Suriname, Santokhi said.

According to the head of state, cooperation with Brazil has also been intensified. In the fields of agriculture, public health, science and education, functional cooperation has grown enormously in the past year. Politically and diplomatically, Suriname is actively participating in the Brazilian president’s new efforts to promote integration on the South American continent.

The head of state further announced that the relationship with the Caribbean countries is also intensive, with special attention to economic developments.






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HomeEngelsPresident Santokhi announces smooth Albina-Saint-Laurent Du Maroni crossing in 2024