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President Santokhi and delegation at Welcome Reception

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On Wednesday, August 31, President Santokhi and his delegation attended the Welcome Reception held for guests of the first Africaribbean Trade and Investment Forum in Barbados. The President was received by the CFO of Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. and met with the organizers of the forum at the reception.

At the reception, the president met Terrance Drew, the new Prime Minister of St. Kitts & Nevis, and had talks with Cuba’s Ambassador to Barbados and Barbados’ Secretary of State. The Secretary General of CARICOM also attended the reception. Which was set up on a grand scale on the grounds of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society with a live performance by the Barbados National Youth Orchestra.

The opening ceremony of the first Africaribbean Trade and Investment Forum will take place on Thursday 1 September. The forum will last until September 3.



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HomeEngelsPresident Santokhi and delegation at Welcome Reception