zondag 15 september 2024
27 C
9.3 C

President is given an ultimatum by C-47 who wants to see action

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President Chan Santokhi has received written requests from the unions that are members of C-47. The trade union federation says that these six measures can be put into place right away to provide some respite for the populace. The president has until February 16 to complete the requirements, according to the group. The message emphasizes that “this time there will be no settling for talks.” “The employees want to see results,”.

C-47 demands that the increase in fuel prices be reversed, that Telesur’s monthly adjustments, which prevent large segments of society from accessing the internet, be stopped, that concrete steps be taken to stabilize exchange rates, that tax brackets be adjusted, that the Energy Commission’s report, which calculated a reasonable rate for electricity, be implemented immediately, and that the government immediately implement the proposals from the trade unions regarding where the internet should be located.

The president is urged in C-047 to “highlight that you do not treat the aforementioned demands lightly.” An ultimatum that runs out on Thursday, February 16 will be attached to strengthen the demands. This time, the talks won’t end satisfactorily. The employees demand to see results.

On Wednesday, the unions will get together once more to go over an action plan and ideas. It was resolved at the last meeting to inform the government that the initiatives to cut subsidies and boost revenue could no longer be maintained. Because “the rack is out,” it was already made apparent that street actions were still possible.





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HomeEngelsPresident is given an ultimatum by C-47 who wants to see action