A three- day prayer campaign was held by the Pentecostal Church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement Suriname in the Independence Square on Sunday. At the conclusion President Santokhi was present. He prayed publicly and place the country in the hands of the creator. The people were elated to have the president praying there with them. He encouraged those who were present. ( Don’t loose hope because good times are coming. God is a good God.) “No las hope, bun ten o kon. Gado na wan bun Gado.” President Santoki emphasizes that with the help of God Suriname will certainly come out of the crisis. Santokhi noted that through hard work, faith and prayer resulted that the IMF and IDB was willing to revise the recovery plan and release more funds.
The three-day prayer campaign theme was Suriname back in God’s hands. It was a small fiery gathering. Prayers have been said for the heads of government, of the country and the people. And wisdom like Solomon was asked for the president so that he can lead the country and its people through the crisis into better times.
The head of state said that the whole world is in crisis. He asked to pray for the end of the war in Ukraine. Due to the war,Suriname also has many problems with which it is struggling: economic, financial, social, and now also the consequences of climate change. He noted that human efforts cannot cope with problems that the country is encountering it needs divine intervention. He said that he starts each day with prayer.
In an example Santokhi explained of how the Most High listens to the prayers. That they have spoken with the IMF and the IDB. They told them that the program is painful and that relief needs to come. And they agree. And it was not even 10 minutes they have spoken and the IMF director said “yes, we’re going to adjust our program, we’re going to have more people-oriented policies, tackle poverty, free up more money.” He asked where does this power come from? That power came from God.(“Masra Gado krakti. Gado no libi desert you.”)
Santokhi hosted a multi-faith prayer service a day before in the garden of the presidential palace. The government leaders were called upon to be exemplary so that the people can stand behind them, unity and fraternization is promoted, the country comes out of the hardship that it’s in and let prosperity be for everyone.
At the Square Santokhi said that he went there to pray in public, to put this land back in the hands of the Creator. All he can promise the people as president is to do his utmost best. Mi h tan begi Masra Gado fu gi mi a wisdom, a koni. Pi wi e meki wrong. ( I will continue to ask God to give me wisdom and knowledge. Where we make mistakes we must also humbly ask for forgiveness.) And let him show us the right way, to take the right measures so that the people can live in peace and happiness.