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President: Call for justice is great

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On his Facebook page, President Chan Santokhi discusses the crimes from December, which are remembered today. He observes that there is a strong demand for justice. The value of the rule of law must be recovered. “We are in a nation of law and order where the judiciary may carry out its duties. Let’s honor this division of powers and abide by the judge’s decisions.

“Today, December 8, 2022, marks the exact date that 15 well-known Surinameses were murdered, taking their lives 40 years ago. All Surinamese people have been deeply saddened and continue to remain so. Justice is therefore urgently needed.

Suriname’s constitutional state needs to be given back its former worth. Our loss of our beloved brothers is incomprehensible. There are still a lot of unanswered questions regarding the relatives. The accused’ trial and punishment process has already begun and is well under way. Additionally, this dark chapter in Surinamese history might never recur.

I feel for you, Surinamese, Srananmans, and especially for all the family members of the murder victims from December. We as a nation are appreciative to everyone who has persisted in the fight for justice. We reside in a country where the judiciary is able to carry out its duties. Let’s recognize this division of authority and abide by the judge’s decisions.

On this day, which should never again transpire in our nation, I wish you much courage. Krakti!”








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HomeEngelsPresident: Call for justice is great