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Pre-dialogue sessions are discussed by the government coalition

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At a meeting held in the President’s Office Press Center, the ruling coalition discussed the report of the pre-dialogue meetings. Following the anomalies on February 17, 2023, these seminars were held to explain the situation to the general populace. Along with other government representatives, President Chan Santokhi and Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk attended the event.

Macroeconomics, fiscal policy, the IMF program, capacity building, social protection measures, and integrity issues were some of the subjects covered during the meeting. Both stressed the significance of group initiatives for sustainable development. The head of state underlined that in the second half of his administration, further discussions on Suriname’s development strategy will be based on the report.

The report that is being provided gives a systematic overview of the different major points that were raised during the preliminary talks by various organizations, groups, and people. The government will need to address a number of issues, including better health care, better education, and enhanced stakeholder communication.

The outcomes of the pre-dialogue provide a strong foundation for concrete and successful advancements during the second half of the semester. For the government to act effectively, there must be unity.

Obed Kanape (ABOP), a DNA member, emphasized the need for feasible goals to be stated as realistic priorities. He thinks that for Suriname to flourish, there needs to be close coordination between the governmental and commercial sectors. Kanape observes that challenging actions must be performed to restore economic balance.

“It is essential to stop the economy from getting worse. Over the past two years, the president has worked to change that.

Asiskumar Gajadien, a fellow lawmaker from the VHP, underlines that while candidates for office often have a specific vision for how to advance development, it is primarily the job of civil workers to carry that vision through. These government employees don’t always carry out the coalition’s and lawmakers’ plans for development.

Gajadien urges a radical shift in this regard. In this nation, there is a system of political parties. This implies that joining a political party is a requirement for becoming a member of parliament, according to Gajadien.









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HomeEngelsPre-dialogue sessions are discussed by the government coalition