zaterdag 18 januari 2025
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Pink Ribbon March to Confront Breast Cancer

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Over a thousand people recently participated in the 5 km Pink Ribbon walking run. One of the initiatives of the Pink Ribbon Suriname Foundation to raise awareness of breast cancer is the race. There are still too many incidences of breast cancer, according to President Jennifer Brompton, so they want to encourage more women to check their breasts regularly.

According to the organization, breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women and is currently the leading cause of mortality for women in Suriname. A campaign has been started to raise awareness of this and to encourage research. The stroll had stalled because of Covid, but it has now started up again.

Bromet was pleased with the attendance. She stated that it was thought that 1,200 or 1,300 people had taken part. She stressed that the most important thing is spreading awareness of breast cancer. “It needs to leave the taboo environment. People ought to be able to discuss breast cancer right away. Women, do your homework! The sooner you find it, the quicker you can recover.

Alongside the Pride Walk, there was a “pink walk.” According to the planners of both events, it was more convenient for the police that the walks occur at the same time. Ten minutes earlier, the Pink Ribbon walking run got underway. Otmar Overman, the head of the LBGT Platform Suriname, declared, “We have united.” Additionally, LGBT women are susceptible to breast cancer.

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