vrijdag 20 september 2024
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Payout of an additional SRD 1,000 in Drietabbetje and Dyumu

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The SRD 1,000 (AOV+) one-time incentive was distributed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing (SoZaVo) on Tuesday in the Sipaliwini region. Payments in cash were made in Dyumu and Drietabbetje. Senior persons who only receive an AOV (Algemeen Retirement Provision) monthly benefit are eligible for this one-time payment of SRD 1,000. According to SoZaVo Minister Uraiqit Ramsaran, every effort has been taken to put the AOV+ project into action.

He says the ministry is making every effort to meet the requirements of the people while staying within the allocated budget. Ramsaran said, “We are trying to deal with concerns architecturally. The Regional Development & Sport Department and the Interior Ministry are working together on the AOV+ project. Everyone will receive their due benefits, according to the SoZaVo minister, if they just receive an AOV benefit each month. He called for patience from people who solely benefited from AOV in the other sectors.

Ramsaran extended his gratitude to the AOV+ project’s president and vice president, SoZaVo’s administration, in particular the AOV fund, and all other specialists who worked together to make sure the project was successful. This SRD 1,000 lump sum payment will only be delivered in December of this year. The AOV benefit’s monthly payments, which are made in cash once every three months, happen concurrently.







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HomeEngelsPayout of an additional SRD 1,000 in Drietabbetje and Dyumu