maandag 13 januari 2025
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OW requests that the neighborhood clean its own gutters in front of houses

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The Ministry of Public Works (OW) had said that the manual maintenance of channels and discharges would begin in 2021. This choice was made in response to rising prices, a sustainable policy, and a desire to reduce spending.

Currently, the discharge along Lalla Rookweg is manually maintained for a year, from Franchepanestraat to Jagernath Lachmonstraat. It costs SRD 150 per meter to maintain a discharge with a long boom machine.

Per meter, manual maintenance costs SRD 35. This results in a savings of SRD 115 per meter by manually maintaining discharges. The manual upkeep of the Boomskreek and Sluiskreek for a year was recently put out to bid.

The community is asked to maintain the gutter in front of their house themselves. In this way, we can work together to improve drainage in residential areas.





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HomeEngelsOW requests that the neighborhood clean its own gutters in front of houses