vrijdag 20 september 2024
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OW fixes jetties and bridges all across the country

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Over 40 bridges and ten scaffoldings have been worked on by the Ministry of Public Works (OW) nationally. The methods included everything from fresh paint jobs and handrail replacements to full restorations and replacing timber components.

The jetty near the Marine Stairs was recently repaired by the government. The task was finished on October 18th, a Wednesday. Under the platform is a low-maintenance base made of concrete piles and a steel section. Bolletrie wood shelves have also been added to widen the construction.

The restoration is part of the “bridges and jetty project”.  Despite the limited resources, maintenance work has started.  We mainly worked with donations.  Due to the budget, public-private partnerships are often used.







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HomeEngelsOW fixes jetties and bridges all across the country