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OPTSU participates in first discussions

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President Santokhi zet gesprekken met veiligheidsbonden voor...

President Chandrikapersad Santokhi heeft de constructieve gesprekken met de veiligheidsbonden voortgezet. Tijdens het overleg, dat plaatsvond op zaterdag 7 september 2024 op het Kabinet van de Preside...

The initial discussions resumed as part of the planned national dialogue on Sunday, March 5, 2023. The first to emerge was OPTSU, which was established in February 2020 as a political party but now acts as an umbrella group for the lesser political parties.

The course needs to be addressed since it has a negative impact on daily life and is what the populace is experiencing, according to OPTSU adviser Robert Ameerali, who told the president. Also, the former vice president offered assistance to the government in a number of areas.

The information was welcomed, and President Santokhi will shortly respond bilaterally to the suggested assistance.





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HomeEngelsOPTSU participates in first discussions