maandag 16 september 2024
28 C
13.4 C

“One vote, one person, one value”

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Regering bereikt akkoord over loonsverhoging voor veiligheid...

De regering onder leiding van president Chandrikapersad Santokhi heeft naast een akkoord met vakbond Ravaksur overeenstemming bereikt met de veiligheidsbonden over een loonsverhoging en een breed pakk...

In a letter delivered today to DNA chairman Marinus Bee, the extra-parliamentary political parties DA’91, De Nieuwe Leeuw (DNL), Alternative 2020 (A20), Social Democratic Union (SDU), and DOE express their support for the National Assembly’s (DNA) request to be received. The notion of “One person, one vote, one value” is supported by this group, according to Angelic del Castilho, the leader of these extra-parliamentary groups. All 51 DNA members will hear about this notion and proposal from us, and we’ll be happy to address any concerns they may have, she added.

According to the DA’91 top woman, she is happy that DNA chairman and vice chairman were personally present to receive the letter. “But we want to do a presentation for all members. We are waiting for an answer from DNA management.” Del Castilho says the electoral change has become a must. The DA’91 chairman said that it has now dawned on everyone that this is about the greater interest. With the amendment to the electoral system, we will not only determine what our society will look like now, but we will also determine for the distant future. However, time is running out and the administrative preparations for the 2025 elections are approaching. We also wanted to hold a referendum in order to consult the people, but there is no time left for that.

Radjen Kisoensingh, who was a member of the group as a citizen, suggests that a small plebiscite should be held after all. “We can hear certain people in a small context. Just in a simple and cheap way.”




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