zondag 15 september 2024
27 C
9.3 C

New management team EBS with Brunswijk at the wheel

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Vicepresident Brunswijk boos weggelopen na confrontatie met ...

Vicepresident Ronnie Brunswijk is vanmiddag boos weggelopen tijdens een ontmoeting met actievoerders in Albina. De inwoners van Albina hadden de Oost-Westverbinding gebarricadeerd om hun ongenoegen te...

The government extends its gratitude to Leo Brunswijk, the younger brother of Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk, who plans to assume leadership of the Energie Bedrijven Suriname (EBS). The state-owned corporation has a new management team in place. Leo Brunswijk has stated that he has been putting considerable effort into being ready for this post. The VP pointed out that the new staff is taking over during a period of rising rates. People must have access to electricity, but the cost must be reasonable.

Technical Director Marcel Eyndhoven will continue to be in charge (CTO). Ismanto Adna is no longer the organization’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), although she will still assist it as the incoming CEO’s financial advisor. Lesley Rahan has been named Chief Financial Officer (CFO), while Robert Pancham has been named Chief Operating Officer (COO) (CFO).

The supervisory board’s chairman at EBS was Leo Brunswijk. Who will take over for him is still a mystery. The ABOP and the VHP are staking claims to the position, according to the media.

At the company’s headquarters, a special general meeting of shareholders was held to elect the new board members of EBS. The VP presided over the gathering.





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HomeEngelsNew management team EBS with Brunswijk at the wheel