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Nerkust: “Le Monde should look at cocaine and French human smuggling

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The recent analysis of the French newspaper Le Monde, which characterizes Suriname as a nation where all legitimate institutions have been penetrated by the power and wealth derived from the illegal drug trade, has not impressed Mike Nerkust, a member of the NDP and a former district commissioner of Paramaribo Noordoost.

The former president Desi Bouterse and vice president Ronnie Brunswijk are specifically named in the French newspaper as two guys who represent this system.

Nerkust suggested that the men from Le Monde look at what their nation is doing in an interview with Culturu TV. Let them observe how much cocaine and people the French smuggle into Africa and other nations where they are present.

The NDP representative asserts that numerous lawmakers have consistently attacked the anti-drug initiatives taken by the Bouterse administration during its previous term in power. Currently, data suggests that there have been more drug shipments captured than ever before. How many drug loads have been discovered in Suriname, according to Nerkust? Then all of a sudden, the drug and narcotic state is gone?

According to Nerkust, an aircraft carrying 103 foreign nationals recently landed at Zanderij, and they were all born on January 1. However, that foreign secretary prankster just wastes millions on pointless international travel, pointless phone conversations, and pointless family visits. He goes by the name King Albert. These people are already being deported from Guyana, and they will be returned there. What nation is the source? nonetheless, here. If Guyana, French Guiana, and Brazil seal their borders, all those pranksters will remain here, so you can’t let all these people arrive.






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HomeEngelsNerkust: "Le Monde should look at cocaine and French human smuggling