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Mukesh Mungra: “The police headquarters building is fine”

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Lokono Shikwabana "Post Utrecht", gelegen aan de Nickerierivier, heeft het initiatief genomen om een dorpsreglement op te stellen. Dit document moet dienen als leidraad voor goed bestuur, orde en geza...

Engineer Mukesh Mungra said there is nothing wrong with the structure on Verlengde Gemenelandsweg, which is where the police headquarters should be. It will be costly for the government to reinvest in the structure. Nothing is wrong with the structure structurally. At a press conference today, Mungra remarked, “It’s almost criminal that people want to destroy that.”

According to Mungra, the location is still ideal for the police headquarters and is strategic. Directly behind the building, there is another building where the second group of police is supposed to be housed. In case of calamities it would be safe for the police to retreat there. “What the government is doing is a terrible waste of money and it is throwing development aids into the water. They are resources that were intended for the entire people of Suriname”.

According to Mungra, he does not want to engage in politics with this story. “I don’t have a second agenda for it. I spit my bile, because I think it is wrong that people deal with resources in this way. The building is not about to collapse. The fact that the building does not technically meet the requirements set for this is a blatant lie,” said the engineer.




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HomeEngelsMukesh Mungra: "The police headquarters building is fine"