woensdag 22 januari 2025
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Monday’s PLO announcement angers the minister

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Transport, Communication, and Tourism (TCT) Minister Albert Jubithana is unpleasantly startled by the Private Lijnbus Organization’s (PLO) announcement of a strike for Monday. This is happening as standardization has just been agreed upon with the PLO. Normally, public transportation is provided by the National Transport Corporation and the Organization of Bus and Boat Owners. At a government press conference on Sunday evening, Minister Jubithana made this announcement.

In answer to a question, PLO Chairman John Mahadewsing informed the media that an emergency general assembly was held on Sunday night. The bus owners demand that TCT pay back fuel subsidies right away. The board’s members demand that the minister receive them immediately. The buses will stay in the garage if not. According to Mahadewsing, the response from TCT will determine whether any driving occurs. He has called the minister several times but has not gotten a response. Notice has been sent to the director.

According to Jubithana, there is a two-month backlog in subsidy payments. Mahadewsing has been contacted over this. This week, payment will be made. He is sorry that the PLO is striking. The bus owners also demand payment for additional expenses. They demand compensation for expenses other than diesel as well. Although a calculation has been completed and transmitted, TCT still needs to verify the data.

Estrea North Sea, director of transportation, highlights in a statement that the government will normalize public transportation starting on Monday. “We rely on everyone’s participation to the standardization process. For this reason, the bus permit holders and their drivers are asked to abide by the bus permit requirements.”





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HomeEngelsMonday's PLO announcement angers the minister