maandag 2 december 2024
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Minister Somohardjo seeks partnerships with religious institutions

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In order to discuss urgent humanitarian relief, Interior Minister Somohardjo (Biza) and his colleague Uraiqit Ramsaran (Sozavo) have engaged with a number of religious organizations. These businesses are governed by Biza. The United Nations’ (UN) sustainable development goals call for establishing partnerships to carry them out.

Given that religious institutions are at the heart of society and are trusted by the general populace, Minister Somohardjo collaborates with them to fight poverty more successfully. The groups have each received more than 5,000 application forms for increasing their purchasing power.

The government has complete faith in the religious leaders to conduct themselves honorably and to deliver humanitarian packages to the population that needs them the most. Everyone is struggling right now, the minister claims, but someone is always struggling more than others.

Minister Ramsaran suggested holding a joint meeting on March 17 to clarify the Social Plan. The heads of the Social Program, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of Social Affairs, will converse with the religious leaders at this occasion. Any questions raised by society regarding the registration forms will also be discussed at this meeting.





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