Minister Amar Ramadhin of Public Health and management boards of hospitals find it totally wrong that the unions of the five hospitals have decided to take action. When asked for a response, the minister tells the media that there is no reason whatsoever for the layoff. On Friday, the unions went to a general meeting of members and decided to take action.
An attempt will be made to cancel the action before Monday. All preparations have been made to pay out the ‘brain drain’ and other allowances in the coming week, says the minister. This was also communicated to the union at the Academic Hospital Paramaribo on Friday. The allowances will be paid retroactively on 1 April. Ramadhin does not understand where the unions have the information that the allowances will not be paid this month.
An appointment was made for a meeting with the boards and unions early on Monday morning. According to the minister, the action is “far-reaching and a rigorous step”. He says there is no reason for this. This will also be made clear to the unions.