Minister Amar Ramadhin of Health expects that the union’s actions at the Paramaribo University Hospital (AZP) will be lifted later in the day. On Friday evening, a number of ministers were meeting with the board of the union. In conversation with the media minister said that six of the eight demands have been met. As for the pay series and other provisions more time is needed. He appeals to the staff to cancel the consultation, because the health care has been seriously disrupted.
During a meeting on August 24, various issues were placed on the table by the union. Showing what the government has started to do. There are two issues that remained which are being worked on to find solutions. However, society cannot be further duped. The board of the association has indicated that it will present the results to the members. A general meeting of members will be held Today. After feedback from the members, it will be decided whether the actions will be lifted. Ramadhin thinks that there are few reasons to continue deliberations. And expects the situation to normalize.
If the deliberations are not lifted, the government will come up with actual solutions, because the situation cannot continue like this. The government will also determine its own strategy to guarantee services as much as possible. The minister believes that solutions have been sought with the efforts of the union board and the government. And is now waiting for the result of the general meeting of members.