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Martinus looks for solution for NIS power problem

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Organizers of activities scheduled for the first week of September have been shocked by the announcement Saturday in the Anthony Nesty Sports Hall that there will be no shows for the time being. On Sunday they unsuccessfully contacted Joël (Bordo) Martinus, director of the National Indoor Stadium (NIS). Martinus responded that he will further coordinate with the organizers today. Depending on the seriousness of the electricity problem, other options will be examined.

Martinus explainsed that he was in the sports hall on Saturday during an event. The power went out three times. In the end, electricity was tapped directly, which was not the intention. He said that he did not want a fire to suddenly break out, that’s why he had announced that there will be no shows for the time being. He said that he had taken three weeks to get everything in order. He had asked a company to come and look and see what the problem was. Which will happen on the next day. Then the organizers would be called in but he was not available.

If it turns out that the problem can be solved in a few days, everything will continue as normal. If the problem is serious, it can be checked with the organizers whether they want to rent generators. According to Martinus, everything depends on what the company that is engaged finds. The NIS director noted that he is not getting any resources to maintain the building. He has done a lot of repairs out of his own pocket. Martinus said that he wanted everything to be safe. He said that he can’t be there and see that the power went out three times and did not take any measures. He expected that with good consultation and with plan B everything will be fine.



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HomeEngelsMartinus looks for solution for NIS power problem