The partners who came together for information and knowledge exchange were Soedeshchand Jairam, Agriculture Director of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) and the Steering Committee of the Cassava Value Chain Platform, led by Jerry Sewberath Misser. Furthermore, it was also discussed to decide on further cooperation to organize and structure the cassava sector, better respond to the demands of the market and increase the competitiveness of this industry. This meeting is organized by FAO/SAMAP so that partners are better informed about the policy and regulatory measures that the government has developed and implemented in recent years in collaboration with the sector to strengthen the cassava industry.
Concrete programs and projects related to cassava were discussed by partners. These are projects that LVV has carried out in recent years in which more insight has been gained into the challenges and opportunities in this sector, with short, medium and long-term solutions as result-oriented. These are laid down in the strategic and annual plan of the Cassava Value Chain Platform.
LVV as an active member of the platform and the Cassava Steering Committee, continues to work together for the implementation of the Strategic Cassava Action Plan, building on previous experience in line with ongoing programs and projects to continue to build capacity of cassava growers, increase productivity as well as the quality of cassava production as part of supporting the objectives of the Cassava Value Chain Platform.