The National Assembly heard a commitment from Minister of Education, Science, and Culture Marie Levens on Tuesday that the school in Loka Loka will open shortly. Only one school, according to Levens, has not yet begun operations; all other interior schools, however, have done so on schedule. The minister claims that having Loka Loka is a serious issue. Not just financially, but also in regards to the instructors.
After Obed Kanape, the ABOP/PL party leader, inquired once more regarding the opening of schools in the interior, the minister responded. These were the schools that required renovation due to inside flooding. The kids aren’t yet attending school, according to Kanape. “It won’t happen again if it doesn’t happen now. Kanape questioned, “What are we going to do with the shuttered schools inland and what will be the strategy with relation to construction? It is unacceptable, according to DNA Chairman Marinus Bee, that on November 8th, no classes have begun in the interior. especially considering that before the flood, the schools were already shuttered.
“People, parents, and teachers are phoning, but it’s unclear when the schools will open just yet. This is unheard of. Now there ought to be clarity. It seems inconceivable that the schools are still closed after a month and a half. Now, we must learn in detail what the government intends to accomplish. It’s about our kids, wherever they may be,” Bee remarked.
Levens claimed that out of the SRD 160 million the government has provided, SRD 60 million will go toward instructional supplies. They are currently being given out. For repairs, the remaining SRD 100 million will be used. Levens remarked, “I recognize that we have a serious financial problem because the emergency fund set up for situations like this has no money. We will begin constructing the school on Loka Loka, Godo Olo, Goninikriki, and Manlobi as soon as the funds are received. “In the interior, we need to build six new schools. I will begin as soon as I have money, said Levens.
Since constructing a school does not take a few days, Bee questioned why tents could not be sent for the time being so that classes can begin on Loka Loka. “We will be months further if we start building before the school can open.” Although the three instructors who work at Loka Loka are on strike, Levens stated the school can open. This relates to the housing of teachers. Levens declared her desire to send fresh instructors to the hinterland. Due to the poor housing conditions for teachers in that area, the ministry is able to rent homes. We can rent houses, but they just aren’t interested in returning.
According to the minister, the plan to deploy new instructors won’t be a concern because housing will be rented and, if possible, the teachers would work with the children in the meantime. “I want the answer.” Levens argued that she should begin working with new teachers there rather than the three who currently work there. However, she didn’t want to go too far.