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Jogi: Pumping station more in place in Tijgerkreek

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Mahinder Jogi, a VHP assemblyman, thinks the Tijgerkreek should be used for the pumping station that will be used by India, not the Bombay Canal. The MP notes that Tijgerkreek West, one of Saramacca’s richest agricultural districts, is drained by the Bombay Canal. A bigger region that is low-lying will be dewatered after the pump is constructed in the Tijgerkreek.

Jogi called Minister Parmanand Sewdien of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries following the announcement that the pumping station will be constructed in the Bombay Canal. On this subject, he had previously had multiple conversations with the minister. According to Jogi, the minister is open to talking about this issue. A field visit to the agricultural area in Saramacca will be performed following an initial interview at his office.

The MP claims that the pumping station needs to be changed into a functional one. Actually draining the area should help the farmers. According to Jogi, the area where the pump is projected is actually high. Because “water does not flow from low to high,” the water from the creeks and torrents won’t flow to the pump. Jogi said gravity should carry out its intended function.

Together with members of the neighborhood council, a work plan for Saramacca was created in December 2020. Additionally, it was suggested at the time that a pumping station be constructed in the Tijgerkreek. The farmers were consulted to come to this decision. Dewatering was one of the main topics throughout the election campaign, and solutions have been promised. In any event, Jogi is delighted that the minister is open to talking about this.







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HomeEngelsJogi: Pumping station more in place in Tijgerkreek