vrijdag 14 februari 2025
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Jogi calls attention to business closing times

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The early closing times of businesses have been brought to the government’s notice by assemblyman Mahinder Jogi (VHP). He said that district commissioners made this decision without consulting the Ministry of Regional Development and Sports’ top brass.

Jogi stated yesterday in the National Assembly that business owners had been severely damaged by the current economic climate. The nation continues to be in crisis. The Assembly Member is aware that order is necessary because customers are still loitering outside of stores far after closing time. This choice is deceiving businesses. There will be a measure after a bill to promote tourism is discussed in parliament.

The chairman of the assembly, Marinus Bee, declared that he entirely agrees with Jogi. A 24-hour economy is becoming more popular throughout the world, yet Suriname has few entrepreneurs. Different approaches must be taken to combat crime, and business owners must contribute as well. He also brings the choice to the government’s attention.




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HomeEngelsJogi calls attention to business closing times