maandag 17 februari 2025
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It is essential that Suriname and French Guiana have tight ties

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The Surinamese administration has high priorities, including the development of the border town of Albina. Therefore, it is crucial to gather the required funding for this. Albina, a border town and a French overseas department, is crucial to the relationship between Suriname and adjacent French Guiana. Recently, President Chandrikapersad Santokhi and his French colleague Emmanuel Macron discussed the collaboration between Suriname and French Guiana and their shared issues.

President Santokhi recalled the efforts of the River Council to develop activities that can improve the joint management of the Marowijne and Lawa rivers and the joint development of the border area. During the consultations, the head of government proposed to develop a comprehensive program for border development. The Surinamese head of state has noted that a close relation between the two countries is crucial for promoting interregional trade in goods, services and the transport of people. Heads of government have discussed a series of liberal rules to facilitate the movement of people and goods in the meantime.

Preserving biodiversity and preventing deforestation are important issues in the border region. Illegal gold mining causes significant damage to the environment and social life. President Santokhi has asked the French head of state to cooperate seriously in protecting forests and biodiversity. “We look forward to discussing technical assistance from France regarding carbon credits and forest management. We must tackle the existing environmental damage head-on.” The Surinamese head of government has suggested organizing a meeting at strategic policy level with the ministers of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Police and Defense before the end of this year.




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HomeEngelsIt is essential that Suriname and French Guiana have tight ties