The Internal Audit division of Staatsolie has found that during the period of October 2021 to March 2022, Staatsolie suffered a serious financial disadvantage for an amount that has been estimated to be at least USD 1,400,000.
It was discovered throughout the investigation that several Staatsolie workers had colluded and conducted acts with two of the company’s service providers, and that they had committed fraud by using overbilled receipts. These individuals were terminated following an investigation by the Internal Audit department. The Saramacca police then received the findings and conducted their own investigation. The case is currently being handled by the Public Prosecution Service (OM).
The administration of Staatsolie has been advised by a legal team not to take any action since you cannot charge someone without a police investigation first. Despite the case being turned over to the Public Prosecution Service, no one has been detained by the police to date. Turning Point questions why, despite the fact that people have lost their jobs, they have not actually been arrested.
If there wasn’t a good justification for the firing, Staatsolie would also have had the Ministry of Labor on their roof. We then ponder why no one has been detained if the police now have the burden of proof. Has the situation been handled differently, or what exactly are the cops frightened of? Therefore, the Public Prosecution Service must take the matter further; however, we are unsure of how long this will take. Even though it’s already November 2022, we’re talking about a case from March 2022.
How many? The Public Prosecution Service already has a heavy workload; wouldn’t the police be more suited to handle the most important tasks? Nobody seems to care about the offenders in this issue, whereas in the case of recu-fraud, suspects were apprehended within weeks?
We’re not the only ones who think it’s not pure coffee; the place reeks. These Staatsolie employees made it possible and helped to ensure that these service providers could submit and pay invoices for the non-delivered services of sand deliveries and so-called machine hours. They were responsible for the control and supervision of sand deliveries and so-called machine hours, including the accuracy of the underlying documents and invoices. In this case, there was no actual cash involved at first; rather, large amounts of sand were delivered, and later, larger quantities were noted on the receipt and reported to Staatsolie. Although these suppliers obviously disagreed with the decision, it has been made for the time being until the investigation is finished. These suppliers are no longer permitted to provide services to Staatsolie. The value of the sand delivered over time makes this situation a little more complicated. More than three employees have already been let go, and further culprits may be found as a result of the police probe.