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Indian company sees potential in Suriname

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The processing, packaging, and export of fruit and other agricultural products represents one of Suriname’s greatest economic growth potential, according to an Indian company called Bajaj Processpack Limited. Director Girissh Bajaj is now in Suriname to discuss future collaboration following a meeting between president Chan Santokhi and the company’s management during his visit to India in January.

He presented a presentation to the LVV management, as well as members of the business community and the agricultural industry, today in the SAIS building of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV). Bajaj has discussed the procedures at his business in order to show the advantages and income that Suriname may provide in this sector.

He went into great detail on fruit processing and packing during his presentation, as well as other agricultural products like milk. Bajaj has underlined that Suriname can now process, package, and export certain goods without the need to import them.

He also went over the equipment used, its advantages, and the financing alternatives available, including those provided by the Indian EXIM Bank. Generally speaking, the machines are made to produce as little waste as possible. The business is led by technologies like solar energy and biomass, and according to Bajaj, Suriname, which has a carbon negative status, may gain greatly from this.

According to LVV minister Parmanand Sewdien, there has been ongoing communication with Bajaj Processpack for a very long time. The minister traveled to India after President Santokhi’s trip there more than a month ago and extended an invitation to the business to visit Suriname.

Based on the circumstances in developing countries, Minister Sewdien describes Bajaj Process Pack as a multi-billion dollar firm with a lot of technology. The advancement of the industrialization of the agricultural industry has been significantly aided by Bajaj Processpack. In addition to working on this in Africa, the corporation is now also interested in the Caribbean.








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HomeEngelsIndian company sees potential in Suriname