donderdag 13 februari 2025
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Guaranteed transportation for students and teachers

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Nieuwe stemhokken en stembussen bij verkiezingen 2025

De bekende aluminium stemhokken en melkbussen als stembussen behoren tot het verleden. Bij de komende verkiezingen worden stemhokken van pvc gebruikt en worden de stembussen vervangen door p...

On Wednesday, the buses will operate normally, and the boats that transport students and faculty to school will depart. According to Antonius Pokie, chairman of the Organization of Bus Owners in Suriname (OBS), this is what he says to the press.

On Monday, neither the buses nor the boats sailed. They remained in the garages. August had gone by without the bus and boat owners receiving any compensation. The general assembly then opted to do nothing. Entrepreneurs can’t always pay for the government out of their own pockets, particularly in these times when fuel is so expensive.

“Now that the money has been transferred, we have no reason to keep the buses in the garage and the boats chained up,” says Pokie. The thread will be resumed and the students and teachers will be transported normally.




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HomeEngelsGuaranteed transportation for students and teachers