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French delegation talks on maintaining collaboration with Juspol

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A group from France was recently received by Justice and Police (Juspol) Minister Kenneth Amoksi. In addition to getting to know one another, the visit’s main objective was to talk about the already established working partnership between Suriname and French Guiana.

The delegation included Nicolas de La Coste, the ambassador to Suriname, commander Jean-Michel Canestrier, officer Pascal Alexandre, and the police attaché from France. How French assistance for the border police between the two countries may continue was discussed during the visit.

According to Minister Amoksi, the current working arrangements would be maintained and the working relationship will be extended to the neighboring country of Guyana. There was also a brief discussion on the situation in Pikin Saron.

The Juspol CEO assured that the situation is under control and that talks are being held with local organizations to find a solution. Earlier in the year, the minister also received a French delegation, where matters such as the fight against crime, ratification of cooperation agreements and technical assistance were discussed.





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HomeEngelsFrench delegation talks on maintaining collaboration with Juspol