zaterdag 18 januari 2025
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For seniors who only receive AOV, an additional SRD 1,000

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This month, SRD 1,000 extra will be given to all seniors who are solely dependent on General Old Age Pension (AOV) benefits. This payment is made only once in December.

According to Social Affairs and Housing Minister Uraiqit Ramsaran, the initiative has received official approval. The AOV+ initiative would be carried out for people who exclusively gain from AOV, as the president has previously stated. The minister stated that the preparations for the payments that will take place this month are currently being made by the finance departments and payment services.

The SRD 1,000 lump sum payment will be given to AOV recipients by standard bank transfers via Moni Karta, according to the government. The monies will still be distributed in cash to the relevant parties for the domestic sector. For this, Minister Ramsaran requests your patience.

The Ministry is working along with the Ministries of Regional Development and Sport to complete the project. Workers with disabilities are urged to keep up with announcements made via the media.






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HomeEngelsFor seniors who only receive AOV, an additional SRD 1,000