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For BBS’ers, discipline must be leading

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Seventeen security officials have received promotions from the Suriname Security and Assistance Service (BBS), which is a division of the Ministry of Justice and Police (Juspol). 91 aspirants for security officer positions also obtained diplomas. The group was addressed by Patrick Campagne, Director of Operational Services, who said that the discipline should serve as a guide for the hopefuls.

The rights and obligations are in balance, and none of them exceed the others, according to Campagne. He urged the candidates to always perform their duties as they should in a disciplined corps. He spoke to the cops as well, telling them to serve as role models for the soldiers.

It wasn’t a quick way for the organization to gain attention, according to Jersey Purplehart, the department’s acting chief of division. He made it clear that they needed to understand that they now have more obligations. Purperhart went on to discuss the officers’ upcoming leadership and management training as well as the uniforms for the group of applicants. He urged the group of candidates to stay at their jobs and to show continued dedication to the task at hand.

The BBS federation’s president, Guillaume Coulor, said: “It’s the beginning of something fantastic.” In order for the candidates to be dressed in December 2022, the union is hoping that the financial resources will be in order soon.

“Officers, you have a star, which means more duties and an even greater need to lead by example for the troops. We hope it’s more than simply about making those distinctions, and that you should understand more than ever that you always need to set an example. Especially in light of the reorganization phase the corps is presently going through, Coulor urged the group to make sure this corps is raised to a greater height.

Following the remarks, the officers received their epaulettes, and the aspirants were able to get their certificates. Six of the 91 prospective security personnel were among the top grads. They are Furdjel Reumel, Veronica Dabenta, Darin Ragiel, Asietosh Autar, Shivan Bansi, Kathleen, and Veronica Dabenta.

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HomeEngelsFor BBS'ers, discipline must be leading