On Wednesday, bus drivers will resume their regular operations. Recently, Vice President (VP) Ronnie Brunswijk and the Private Line Bus Holders Organization met and made this decision (PLO). This discussion was held in the Latour ABOP facility with participation from a number of bus drivers.
According to Humphrey Dundas, director of public communications, one of the requirements is that the government send the December and January diesel compensation to the PLO by Friday at the latest.
Also, it has been decided that the new bus tariffs will be discussed and decided by the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. PLO has already submitted the adjustment estimate to the Ministry of Transportation, Communication, and Tourism (TCT).
The PLO must receive the new tariff list from TCT no later than Thursday. The vice president promptly called the ministers of TCT and Finance & Planning after the meeting to clarify what he had to say to the bus holders.
Members will accept the VP’s advice, according to PLO Chairman John Mahadewsing, and get the buses back out of the garage to maintain the routes.