vrijdag 14 februari 2025
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“Financial report police headquarters not yet finished,” said the OW minister

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Public Works Minister Riad Nurmohamed (OW) claims that the state loses money on any unfinished buildings. There are a lot of half-built structures there. Costs keep rising as long as the structure is in use. The president had asked for two investigations into the police headquarters construction with the advent of this government: a technical examination by the Ministry of Public Works and a financial probe by the Ministry of Finance. In any case, I am aware that OW’s research was published with guidance.

The advice came down to the fact that one could continue, but a lot had to be corrected. One could also just start with a new building. “The financial advice of that I think the report is not finished yet”. The decision is that an extensive press conference will be organized very soon, during which the Ministry of Education will provide all information regarding the technical report and the Minister has indicated that he has requested that the consultant make his information available with regard to the financial. According to the minister, it is now in any case resolved, which has not happened for 10 years.



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HomeEngels"Financial report police headquarters not yet finished," said the OW minister