donderdag 13 februari 2025
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Every morning, RGD doctors declare actions

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Actions announced by the Association of Regional Health Service Doctors (VRA) will go into effect on Wednesday. The outpatient clinics are open from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. from November 16 to 18. Services in the afternoon are suspended. The weekend shift of November 19–20 will not be guaranteed if the RGD does not put up a compelling proposal for the 2022 package of desires.

The RGD management has had access to the 2022 wish package for more than six months. No counteroffer has been received as of yet, the VRA’s chairman Bobby Ramautar declared. Other social groups that are attempting to survive in the same miserable circumstances have already seen rises.

According to the VRA, the RGD doctors are compelled to reduce their services to society since they are unable to continue doing so.





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HomeEngelsEvery morning, RGD doctors declare actions