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Envelopes at the end of Road Safety Month

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Traffic victims or ‘survivors’ and relatives of traffic victims were central today at the conclusion of the 10th Road Safety Month in the Police Training Center. They received an envelope with content from the victim emergency fund as support for the traumas they experienced. Minister Kenneth Amoksi of Justice and Police (Juspol) was also requested to release resources for guiding or setting up a counseling center for traffic victims.

The Road Safety Month started on 15 August and was organized by the Suriname Traffic Volunteers Corps (KSV) and the Road Safety Platform, in collaboration with Juspol. The theme for this year was ‘Remember road traffic victims, create opportunities for life’.

The aim of the safety month was to make road users more aware of road safety during this period and to strive for zero road casualties. Eugenie Esajas, vice-chairman of the Suriname Traffic Volunteers Corps, states that the mentality of road users must change in order to achieve safer driving behaviour.

Despite the extra information, there were 7 traffic fatalities in the past month. The Suriname Traffic Volunteers Corps and the Road Safety Platform continue to call on the community to move more cautiously in traffic.





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HomeEngelsEnvelopes at the end of Road Safety Month