donderdag 13 februari 2025
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Elderly people should not be overlooked

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Politie kan niet tanken: Diensten zwaar gehinderd

De politie in Suriname ondervindt ernstige hinder bij haar werkzaamheden doordat agenten al drie dagen geen brandstof kunnen tanken bij de servicestations van Roy Boedhoe Enterprises (RBE). Dit proble...

Senior adults shouldn’t be overlooked because of the dismal economic climate in the nation. Glenn Huisden treated more than 85 senior residents to music and humour yesterday. Remelga’s Café in Waka Pasi’s Bryan and Melanie Hunkar and Kenneth Pink’s Kon Makandra Helping Hands are behind this effort.

Finding sponsors to put on an enjoyable event for seniors was really challenging. According to Melanie Hunkar, there are still those that care about our senior elders. This is the first charitable endeavor the owners of Remelga’s Café have undertaken. It is crucial that various social groupings make an effort to support one another in any way they can during this trying period. For years, she claims, “our older citizens have contributed their power to the nation in a variety of ways.”

With Suriname, Pink is more frequently involved in social endeavors. He observes that conditions in the nation are becoming more and more challenging. It’s particularly difficult on the elderly and those with impairments, he says. Pink has been accumulating products for a while, which made yesterday successful.




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HomeEngelsElderly people should not be overlooked