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Early next year, print material E-ID is anticipated

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In early 2023, according to interior minister Bronto Somohardjo, printing supplies should be ready for the creation of biometric ID cards. The ID card law was changed in August to allow the use of the old ID cards as long as confirmation that an E-ID has previously been requested can be produced. In actuality, though, not every issue can be resolved in this way.

The fighting in Ukraine has contributed to a delay in the provision of the ID material. More than 75% of individuals required to have IDs, according to Somohardjo, have already received an e-ID. It was discovered during the debate over the law’s revision that more than 17,000 persons who are required to have an ID do not have one manufactured. 15,112 persons hold expired cards. More than 343,000 people already have E-IDs, but about 101,725 still need to have their information rectified.

Similarly, many people who have passed and want to obtain their driver’s license are dissatisfied with the circumstances. They are unable to obtain a driver’s license. Additionally, extensions take a lot longer than usual. The same printhouse produces ID cards and driving permits, according to Minister Somohardjo. The material must be purchased independently by the ministries.




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HomeEngelsEarly next year, print material E-ID is anticipated