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Drawing and painting day for children and people with disabilities

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Children and people with disabilities are creatively engaged in art together at the Nola Hatterman Art Academy. Director of Culture, Roseline Daan is working on them.

On Wednesday, children between 10 and 15 years old and people with disabilities up to 25 years old had the opportunity to paint and draw under the guidance of the Nola Hatterman Art Academy. The National Monument Child with Disabilities Suriname Foundation, together with the Culture Directorate, held an art event.

The slogan of this event was: ‘Everyone belongs and that makes me happy’. The activity was held in the Paramaribo Zoo. The Suriname Communications Service reported that by organizing activities for this target group, in which children without disabilities are involved, the foundation tries to break the taboo about people with disabilities, report.

Children of Huize Betheljada and the Mr. Huber Foundation have been able to express themselves creatively with paint and crayons. The projects of this pilot will serve as inspiration for the design of a monument for the child with a disability. The monument will be dominated by a dignified existence that this target group deserves.

Cultural director Roseline Daan believes that more needs to be done for people with disabilities, especially children. Daan said that it’s about people and people have value. This means that they not only have to be tucked away in a reception center, but that society also does the necessary to contribute to their education.

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HomeEngelsDrawing and painting day for children and people with disabilities