zaterdag 7 september 2024
31 C
24.8 C

DNA meeting canceled due to lack of quorum

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KPS waarschuwt voor valse berichten over ‘gehackteR...

Het Korps Politie Suriname (KPS) waarschuwt de samenleving voor de verspreiding van ongefundeerde voiceberichten waarin wordt beweerd dat bijna alle pinautomaten in Suriname zijn gehackt. In een offic...

The treatment of the Industrial Hemp Cultivation Act was canceled on Tuesday. 26 members are required for a lawful meeting. But only 24 coalition members signed the list. The President of the Assembly had the names of those present read out in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Order Regulations. He noted that people did not sign the attendance list because they do not know their responsibility. He then closed the meeting.

NDP faction leader Rabin Parmessar was in the building with a number of opposition members, but did not sign the attendance list. Regardless of all the emotional statements, Parmessar noted to the news press that no coalition likes to meet if 26 members from their own ranks are not present. There can always be situations that require voting. The draft law was not to be voted on yesterday.

According to Parmessar, each coalition must be able to muster the majority in order to prevail in the assembly. Parmessar said that the Assembly President would make an explicit appeal to them and they would certainly cooperate and sign the attendance list. But this appeal has not been forthcoming.

As far as the draft law is concerned, the NDP faction will go along with the law, after some technical matters have been further clarified and adjusted. Hemp cultivation is good for employment and new opportunities. Entrepreneurship is also further stimulated. Parmessar does expect that consensus will be reached in the further treatment of the law.





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HomeEngelsDNA meeting canceled due to lack of quorum