Economist Steven Debipersad will step down as Supervisory Board member of Hakrinbank with immediate effect. He informed the Supervisory Board of this by letter. Debipersad, who is also chairman of the Association of Economists in Suriname (VES), was appointed as a Supervisory Board member in 2021 on the recommendation of the State. According to him, the supervisory function of the Supervisory Board is hampered by training, incomplete and/or missing information from the board to the board.
Debipersad also said that he had doubts about the integrity of the functioning of the chairman of the Supervisory Board. The noisy General Meeting of Shareholders is also rejected by Debipersad. He wrote to the Supervisory Board stating that, the conduct of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on August 30, 2022, partly as a result of the leadership given to this meeting by the chairman of the Supervisory Board, was incompatible with personal principles and must be strongly condemned.
Shareholders Assuria and Staatsolie voted against the 2020 annual report. The State was also represented by a representative from the cabinet, instead of a representative from Finance & Planning. Some of the shareholders have left the meeting.