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De Molen raises the price of flour by 12%

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Suriname has also been impacted by recent changes in the global grain market, including the collapse of the grain agreement between Russia and Ukraine. Meelmaatschappij De Molen N.V. made a 12% adjustment as a result of the recent 15-20% increase in global grain prices. Director of De Molen Julio Bhikharie describes how the business is addressing these issues and what needs to be done to prepare for the future. While some of the grains used by De Molen come from Russia and Ukraine, most of them are sourced from Europe. Unfortunately, due to the instability of the global grain market, the director is unable to provide particular pricing information. However, the recent price increases have led to a 12% adjustment in the purchase price, which forces the mill to adapt to the new situation.

Fortunately, De Molen N.V. has already committed stocks and shipments until the end of this year, which means that there is enough flour available for the coming months. Nevertheless, the company faces the challenge of ensuring a stable supply of flour in the long term. For this reason, De Molen N.V. has looked at alternatives to wheat, with cassava emerging as a potential substitute. Bhikharie explains that wheat is the only grain with gluten, essential for the leavening process of bread, for example. However, cassava can partially replace wheat. The company is already engaged in the industrial processing of cassava. Investigating this possibility is a step towards a more resilient food supply in Suriname.

Internationally, grain prices have risen sharply in recent weeks. The situation in Russia and Ukraine plays an important role in this price volatility. Due to these developments, it is crucial for Suriname to adapt to the changing market conditions and to look for sustainable solutions for the future.




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HomeEngelsDe Molen raises the price of flour by 12%