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Dc Nerkust: The late Sham Binda is replaced by Grachelle Sluisdom

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The media had previously projected that Grachelle Sluisdom would succeed Sham Binda in the National Assembly (DNA), not Professor Ryan Nannan. This was confirmed to the media by Mike Nerkust, who is still in charge of the major polling location in Paramaribo. The replacement of DNA members in a particular district is the responsibility of the Main Polling Station. The DCs of the Bouterse government are still working in the majority of the major voting places three years after the elections.

Sham Binda, a member of DNA, passed away in February. Professor Nannan, who was ranked number 10 on the list of VHP Paramaribo, was his first replacement. “He declined to agree. The next in line was Grachella Sluisdom. She agreed. Binda’s replacement is already well under way. If all goes according to plan, Sluisdom should be sworn in and admitted to the DNA next week,” adds Nerkust.

He claims that the president has invited him for a favorable course of action. An excellent discussion was made to avoid legal action. Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk, Director of the President’s Office Ajay Moensi, Minister of the Interior Bronto Somohardjo, Judge Maya Manohar of the Constitutional Court, and DC Ricardo Bhola of Paramaribo North-West were also in attendance.




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HomeEngelsDc Nerkust: The late Sham Binda is replaced by Grachelle Sluisdom