Sherin Bansi-Durga, the District Commissioner (DC) for Saramacca, paid a visit to the Church of God Prophecy Suriname’s Haitian congregation today at their location on Mr. P. Chandishawweg. This DC visit to the municipality took place in connection with the execution of its legally mandated directives.
One of them is that the DC will become as familiar as possible with the interests of the people living in its district through personal visits. The DC gave a heartfelt thanks to the numerous churchgoers present at the reception and offered its best wishes for 2023. Bansi-Durga outlined her participation in district events for the audience.
She also mentioned the significant contribution that Haitians make to the neighborhood, particularly as farmers, FAI N.V. employees, construction workers, and small business owners. “You are an essential component of the neighborhood and Suriname.”
She also mentioned the challenging situations our society is going through right now. “You are also having trouble because of the IMF-mandated forced adjustment measures that the government must carry out. Due to the elimination of fuel and utility subsidies, the corrective measures were extremely painful. However, all of these steps must be taken. To make tomorrow better, it is being done out of pure economic need, the DC stated.
The DC was also available for questions from the churchgoers. Jacques, Berthony Jean Batis, and Verdieu Jeremi, Deacons of the Church, expressed their profound honor at the presence of DC. Additionally, it is the first time a DC has gone to the church.