maandag 17 februari 2025
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Correctional authorities don’t take any action

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Regering in Suriname worstelt met salarissen: SRD 90 miljoen...

De Surinaamse regering heeft in februari maar liefst SRD 90 miljoen nodig om de salarissen van ambtenaren uit te betalen. Dit verklaarde minister van Financiën en Planning, Stanley Raghoebarsing. Hij ...

No action will be taken, according to the Union of Penitentiary Officers (BPAS). The government is now working on the union’s concerns, which is the cause of this. “So far, things have gone well. The remaining SRD 3 million has been spent on commonplace personal items. While the government is busy buying two new buses, two buses are now being used for transportation, according to BPAS chairman Max Breinburg.

The buses that have been sent are merely temporary solutions to temporarily accommodate the route. The remainder of the items are now safe. We are awaiting the importation of the products. The suppliers still had to be paid for those items and they were paid at the end of this month. “No further action for the time being, we will continue to monitor the matter,” notes the association chairman.

The members of the Penitentiary Officers Corps (KPA) affiliated with the BPAS were dissatisfied because the government had not realized their points of attention. At a general meeting of members, they had decided to act, but they gave the government a week to comply with their demands.

According to the chairman of the union, work is currently being done on the points for attention, which is why the members have refrained from the action.





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