donderdag 12 september 2024
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Coronians are taught how to grow sweet potatoes by LVV

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On Tuesday, 21 participants in Coronie got extensive theoretical and practical training in the production of sweet potatoes. The information officers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) provide training in the city and district under the slogan “Learn about sweet potato.”

The participants received instruction from the LVV’er, Danille Mitrosentono, on a variety of topics, including the numerous plant species, preparing a space for planting, fertilizer, illnesses, and pests. The training is a component of the project Strengthening of the Open Field Vegetable Production by LVV and the Inter-American Development Bank. This is being done to encourage the growth of numerous crops, including sweet potatoes.

Participants in the training that has already been offered in several districts give it high marks. According to LVV resort manager Miquel Udenhout, “the local farmers primarily cultivate using the traditional planting method.” He claims that the participants have now learned about the various advantages of machine farming, such as improved efficiency and increased output. Additionally, he said he was looking forward to receiving additional training from the Ministry of LVV.




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HomeEngelsCoronians are taught how to grow sweet potatoes by LVV