woensdag 12 februari 2025
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Budgeting is required for high-quality medical treatment

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Nieuwe zetelverdeling maakt Paramaribo en Wanica cruciaal

Bij de aanstaande verkiezingen spelen de districten Paramaribo en Wanica een doorslaggevende rol, goed voor maar liefst 32 van de 51 zetels in De Nationale Assemblée (DNA). Dit blijkt uit berekeningen...

The existing healthcare funding mechanism must be recognized by Suriname as unsustainable. At the conclusion of each month, the hospitals submit their declarations. But the ministry needs to learn to budget if you want to obtain decent care. Amar Ramadhin, the Minister of Health, announced this prior to the Council of Ministers meeting (RvM).

The ministry has spoken with several healthcare organizations during the past week regarding their financial predicament. Additionally, it mainly focused on how these institutions’ finances were changing. The minister says the health sector is still facing significant financial difficulties.

Medical institutions have had a tough time fulfilling their commitments since the Covid-19 outbreak. Due to their unpaid invoices at the Company Medicines Supply Suriname, buying medication is extremely difficult for them (BGVS).

According to Minister Ramadhin, an estimate of the requirements of the healthcare facilities would be made. The institutions are also expected to produce their own revenue. In response, the ministry will keep promoting preventative healthcare.

The minister observes that high blood pressure numbers are particularly worrisome and that chronic diseases are a serious issue in Suriname. The solution comes at a high expense to the state. The minister said :”It is crucial that we exercise more and pay even closer attention to our diets,”







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HomeEngelsBudgeting is required for high-quality medical treatment