vrijdag 19 april 2024
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Brunswijk’s appointment as vice president was a poor start

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President DA’91 Angelic del Castilho claims that given the initial political make-up of the current government, it was inevitable that we would end up in this scenario. We as a party sounded the alarm and said it was not a good start as soon as the administration selected Brunswijk to be Vice President (VP). The VP’s interests, but also the fact that he is unable to travel abroad when a VP ought to be able to, according to the DA’91 chairman.

“Friends’ and family members’ appointments were presented as though they were commonplace. Even the term nepotism is evolving. Then it became obvious that this government’s interests do not align with those of society. The major objective is to maintain the previous administration’s pattern of a tiny family and close friends taking permanent possession of the nation’s resources. Del Castilho claimed that despite all the lovely suggestions made to us, nothing ever materialized.



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HomeEngelsBrunswijk's appointment as vice president was a poor start