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Brunswijk speaks to Bouterse once a month

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According to vice president Ronnie Brunswijk, the ABOP is willing to work with any political party. The NDP and the ABOP have a good working relationship, according to Brunswijk. “I’m in contact with members of the NDP’s third line and the party leadership. At least once a month, Bouterse and I speak on the phone or I see him in person. Before the Council of Ministers (RvM) met today, Brunswijk said, “If you want, I can contact him right now.

The vice president makes it clear that he thinks Bouterse’s declaration that he does not want to collaborate with the VHP and ABOP is extremely premature and disrespectful. There is a good relationship between the NDP and the ABOP. “I am not responsible for his statements, he is responsible for that.” According to Brunswijk, the ABOP works with everyone who has won a seat. “Whether it’s Strei or Amafo’s party.”

Bouterse said in a radio program last week that he personally will not be able to cooperate with the VHP and ABOP, because they make the people suffer. “As far as I know, it will be very difficult to tell this people that you are going to form a government with these people. It’s going to be hard for the people. At least I will never be able to do it”, said Bouterse literally. Brunswijk does not rule out cooperation with the NDP after the 2025 elections.




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HomeEngelsBrunswijk speaks to Bouterse once a month