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Brunswijk: Reducing fuel prices must be done gradually

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Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk thinks it’s best to release the fuel price gradually rather than all at once. He can relate to the plans made to alter the course. He does think that the gold sector’s fuel price shouldn’t be cut completely, though.

If this is done, it could have an impact on the gold industry as well as regular people because prices for goods and services will go up. The vice president stated that he was not opposed to this measure before the Council of Ministers meeting began, but that he would prefer the government to implement it gradually.

Fuel prices will rise while the price of gold stays the same, which will result in a considerably smaller profit margin for small gold miners in particular and a fall in this industry. He worries that the cost of goods and services will increase if the price of a liter of petrol for the gold sector approaches SRD 50. He consequently makes the case for its gradual implementation.

In a news conference this week, President Chan Santokhi said that the fuel subsidy would be removed and sold in accordance with the market. There will be added specific outlets for the gold market. The government will step in to provide subject subsidies for the poor.

Additionally, the president has proposed strict steps to control the interest rate. It should take place now rather than tomorrow, according to Brunswijk. If it had been up to him, these safeguards would have been put into place long ago. For the time being, it is crucial that everything be done to safeguard the neighborhood from the high rate. The development of the exchange rate has affected the lives of many people. Due to their inability to pay for it, people have lost their automobiles and other possessions. According to Brunswijk, checks must be conducted within the stores.

Vice President Brunswijk claims to have a thorough understanding of the people’s motivations for the protests. Anyone can protest if they are struggling. He opposes the political initiatives that have been put together. People may express their displeasure if they experience it. Brunswijk fully comprehends this as a person.








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HomeEngelsBrunswijk: Reducing fuel prices must be done gradually