woensdag 24 april 2024
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Brunswijk is content with the development and transformation within ABOP

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In a party meeting on Friday night, ABOP head Ronnie Brunswijk asserted that the organization is expanding. The party leader set up a number of cores in Para-Oost during this meeting. According to Brunswijk, the party is expanding, which is a change he has never seen before.

Since 2020, the party has been changing, and this process is still going on. The country and its people should grow and develop as a result of the current shift, which is a good thing. The ABOP is dedicated to helping the less fortunate. According to Brunswijk, the party was created from the ground up with the underprivileged population in mind.

In Para-Oost, the party has a number of cores. The core group members have vowed to support the ABOP in order to produce a successful election outcome.

The politician describes the fact that other Surinamese have joined the ABOP as being special. The well-attended audience was addressed by Brunswijk, who highlighted that the ABOP leadership respects all members equally and without discrimination.

Brunswijk claims, “This is the real flower garden.” He added that party members ought to stake out their positions. The ABOP head also expressed his satisfaction with the party’s expansion, particularly within Para. In 2025, great things will occur in Para. Nobody who has joined the ABOP should be afraid, according to Brunswijk. He encouraged them to keep up the good work.

The politician emphasized the significance of change for the nation during his speech. The nation is currently dealing with numerous difficulties. “We have reached a place that is not right for us. The ABOP chairman claims that despite our excessive prosperity, things are still challenging.

According to Brunswijk, his party is presently emphasizing the idea of “low hanging fruit.” As a result, they concentrate on problems that can be solved without using a lot of money because funding is limited. Since not everything is based on money, the party has put its attention there and will undoubtedly solve the most pressing issues.









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HomeEngelsBrunswijk is content with the development and transformation within ABOP